Sunday, February 27, 2011

More Napa News!

Get your keyboard running. Get out on the Interwebs. I'm looking for some writing ... so send it on its waaaay!...(apologies to Steppenwolf and to those who don't recognize the reference and who therefore think I'm losing the few marbles I still have.)

Anyway - Applications for the Napa Valley Writers Conference open March 1st, day after tomorrow ~ yessiree-bob!

I've lubed-up my eyeballs, cleared a space in my office for submissions and given the cat notice not to bug me; now I'm just waiting for apps to be lobbed over the transom. Well, can't lob over transom too well anymore, guess it's more like clicked through cyberspace.

Be that as it may: bring it on! 10 to 15 pages of fiction, your choice of author to work with....all the devine details to be found on the  Napa website. I'm awaiting and the cat is getting buggy.


  1. Wish I could come this year! Hope it's an awesome one.

  2. We'll miss you, for sure! It's shaping up to be a dynamite conference. Perhaps we'll see you another summer?


Noise makers!