Doesn't even feel like June. It feels like different territory.
The country is coming apart at the seams again, like 1968 -- and we're not confident that it can be knitted back together, this time. The work to be done to repair the damage is overwhelming. But we have to do it.
Drumpf took a call from Putin last week and then came out with all that "dominate them" verbiage re the protestors to the governors. And then that ridiculous, disgusting photo-op ploy walking over to the Episcopal Church, waving the Bible like a box of cereal. Having peaceful protestors shoved out of the way with tear gas and orders. What a frigging jerk. Can't wait to vote him and his cronies O.U.T.
Parks in Marin will begin to open this week, Pt Reyes, included!!! YAY!! Social Distancing rules, masks, not all trails open, some loop trails are going one-way, for now. One person at a time in the bathrooms. Wow. Eager to go, though! Scheduling a hike out at Drake's Estero as we speak... a week from Friday, maybe? yes yes yes yes yes yes.
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