Tuesday, July 7, 2020

June 5 2020 - Black Birders Week!

Pretty sure you have heard of the infamous Cooper Incident in Central Park, in which Christian Cooper, a black naturalist, asked Amy Cooper, a white woman (no relationship) to leash her dog, as required in that part of the park, so as to not disturb the birds he was observing. The white woman couldn't believe that he was just observing birds and threatened him and his personal safety by calling the cops. This is not an isolated risk for black scientists conducting field research.
And so, Carina Newsome and other black scientists  organized Black Birders Week. Running from May 31 - June 4, this is to educate the non-POC folks about the risks and dangers black birders and other field scientists encounter just trying to do their job or follow their interests; enjoy their love of the outdoor world, pursue a hobby: birding, jogging, geology.

Check out all the links to learn more --

Various Interviews and Articles

From the Short Wave Podcast (NPR's daily science podcast) - Black Birders Week https://www.npr.org/transcripts/869052336

Interview with Corina Newsome (co-founder of Black Birders Week)

BlackAFinSTEM ...Nature on PBS

"Pelicanology" from the podcast Ologies by Alie Ward - with links to other Black Scientist groups.

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