I trust you all know about the Women’s March on January 19
2019. I hope many of you can find your way to
one somewhere – there's one in most of the major cities all over this country. Locally, in the North Bay, you'll find one in Santa Rosa, Petaluma, San Francisco
and Oakland, beginning at 10 or 11 a.m.
They each have their flavor, but all carry
significance; it’s important to show up and be counted, to stand up for the reality of women’s lives. It’s important to show our
determination to right the wrongs of this administration, to defy their racism and blunt their attacks on immigrants.
We have
been fighting for equality for a very long time, generations in fact, and this current
Liar-In-Chief, with his misogyny and racism, is a slap in the face.
His Republican cronies aren't much better.
The more people on the streets, the more we
show how deeply and seriously we protest this illegitimate presidency; that we will not forget, that we will be there for each and every election, that we will vote and we will run for office.
Remember, the first Women’s March in 2017 had far more attendees than the inauguration for the false president. And on Nov, 6th, 2018, we tasted the first results of that march.
I know that not everyone can make a march,
can walk in a march, can handle the crowds, can spare time that particular day.
But this makes it all the more imperative for those of us who can to march and
show up and represent for those who can’t. Here's the link for more info and to find the closest march to you.....https://www.womensmarch.com/2019/
Women's March 2018: San Francisco |