Walking a lot this week, trying to get the yayas out, cope with the anxieties of the age. Being cooped up. Not knowing how we will function in a newer world as we wait for the vaccine to be created, treatment to be developed, or for the virus to bloom out of existence. Thinking this one will be around for awhile, with all our sloppy handling of it. Hoping our finances will weather the storm. Ordering everything for delivery that we possibly can. As time goes by, we are sticking closer and closer to home, like agoraphobes. Time to get out the puzzles, card games, Boggle, Bananagrams.
On the Sourdough Front, we had cinnamon rolls fresh outta the oven. Oh my, yes. Thank you, Cory! We will be bakers before the end of this quarantino. There is a certain amount of pleasure on being able to rely on our own resources. Reminds me of the old hippie days. Bake your own bread. Grow your own food. Make your own masks. Share them with friends. Least amount of commerce as possible, certainly no purchase from corporate concerns. Help out your neighbors. The trade economy.
Meanwhile, reading these stories filed from around the world
NYR of Books Journals
April 6 - 12, 2020