Thursday, June 18, 2020

May 30 2020 Saturday Pandemic In Place: Trevor Noah on Broken Contract.

Every day feels like Saturday in quarantine, so why should this Saturday be special?

Maybe only so we can mark the weeks that whoosh past us -- at half-speed. It's a contradictory sense of time.  So few ways to measure it, without the usual M-F work schedule, without the 9-5 work pattern to the day. And yet, time marches on ceaselessly, each moment another degree that the earth rotates on its axis, towards the night side, towards the dawn.

Things happening so fast, it's difficult to keep track of it all. So these posts might resemble notes with links to important voices more than anything else, as the protests continue, as the anger and rage seek to find a way forward, while the leadership from the White House seeks only to blame. But why expect anything else from this failed presidency? Drumpf occupies the White House but he is far from a leader. He's in it for himself and himself only, imho. He's not even concerned with the Republican Party, except that they be loyal to him. Can't wait to Vote. Him. Out.  And his damn cronies, the denizens of the swamp of his own creation.

This is a good synopsis by Heather Cox Richardson (May 30 2020) of the chaos and confusion roiled up by Barr and Dumpfity, amidst the rise of protests.

Trevor Noah's piece about the broken social contract for black Americans. An important piece of the puzzle.

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