Thursday, December 1, 2022

The Bestiary is now live on Amazon!

( cover of the proof copy)
 ... and available to you all!  Here's the link to the book on Amazon.....

Home Turf,  a Bestiary of Sonoma State 

I'm pretty darn excited, I will say.  What's a bestiary, you say? It's a compendium of beasts, a collection of tales about animals and what they mean to us. This book looks at the animals ( and a few other natural phenomenon) on the campus of Sonoma State University, up in the North Bay, in Northern California. 

 Medieval bestiaries were usually illustrated, sometimes with gold leaf.  I was so fortunate to have artist and print master Shane Weare illustrate this book with exquisite drawings. He really made the book a bestiary.

Feel free to share this link with any whom might be interested in a book that gently explores the varied animals finding a home on a suburban campus

Home Turf,  a Bestiary of Sonoma State



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